The Ultimate Home Staging Guide To Sell Your House Faster [Plus Tips For Home Inspection]

Placing your property for sale on the real estate marketplace? Staging your home is one of the most effective ways to attract potential buyers and increase the value they’re willing to offer. And because not all homeowners stage their homes, you’ll be at a great advantage if you choose to go the extra mile for your property. 

If you’re up for selling your home faster and at a better price, keep reading for your quick but comprehensive home staging guide — and, of course, keep the home inspection checklist in mind as well, as you prepare!

Home Staging Guide

Here’s everything you should prioritize as you prepare your property for home staging:

Polish The Exterior

Increasing curb appeal is a game-changer in home staging. When you create a good first impression, buyers are likely to enter the home with a positive mindset — and perceive the interior in a similar way.

Begin by cleaning the outdoor area and regularly removing trash, fallen leaves, and twigs. Ensure the walkways, fences, gates, and other structural features are in good condition and check the front door, doorbell, and address number. Bonus points if you lay down a welcome mat!

Also, make sure the exterior paint is in good condition — consider investing in a fresh coat of paint if it appears worn out. Finally, remove any stagnant water and improve the drainage situation.

Focus On The Windows And Doors

Power wash the windows and siding, keeping everything squeaky clean. Replace broken and scratched glass and make sure all doors and windows are in good working condition. You don’t want a buyer struggling to pull open a stuck window!

Additionally, ensure all door handles are in a good state and the locks, if any, are working properly. Finally, focus on the front door — sprucing it up makes a world of difference.

Don’t Forget The Roof

The roof is far to reach (and easy to neglect), but make sure to pay attention to it as you prepare your home for staging. Check any structural elements, such as wooden beams, and inspect for any leaks that require repairing. Also make sure the tiling (if any) is in good condition.

Home Inspection Guide

All done with the exterior — well done! Let’s proceed to the things you should keep in mind during a home inspection. It’s also helpful to keep these in mind during home staging; this is what people will examine your interior for.

Examine The Interior

The cleanliness and overall condition of the interior are to be noted thoroughly. If you’re preparing your home, here’s everything inspectors will notice — and you should take care of.

Ensure every nook and cranny of the space is deep-cleaned and the space is decluttered. There should be no objects in walkways and the floor, walls, and ceilings should be free of stains. Because the structure of the interior (flooring, walls, ceilings) makes a considerable difference, ensure it is all free of cracks and in good condition. 

The lights and switches should work properly and there should be no leakages in any pipes. Finally, get rid of any strange odors. Tip for staging: you can light up scented candles or bake fresh cookies on the day of the viewing.

Inspect The Heating

The heating system of the house should be up and running. When you buy a home in summer, pay attention to the potential of the property in winter (and vice versa). If possible, try to obtain a record of the last service(s) done to upgrade the heating system — and needed updates.

Notice The Plumbing

Check all the sinks, baths, showers, and toilets — and ensure they have a good flow of water available. Keep note of any blockages or lack of running water throughout the network, and make sure all the plumbing works just fine. Also, investigate the entire septic system.

Double Check The Electrics

Ensure all electrical elements in the property are working, both in terms of utility and safety. Check the circuit breakers and main panels, and ensure all lights (and fans, if any) work smoothly. Examine the appliances, ensure all outlets are grounded and carry out tests to make sure all necessary safety measures have been taken.

Snag That Extra Value!

On that note, our blog post on home staging and inspection comes to a wrap! We hope you’re now familiar with everything you need to take care of while preparing your home for staging — and simultaneously, all the factors to consider as you go for an inspection. 

To get the most bang for your buck, prepare your home with a large target market in mind. The more people are willing to purchase your property, the higher the value you can snag!

PS. Did you know that we offer home staging services? Simply send us an email and we get everything organized for you. See below the before and after photos from our recent staging job.


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