How to Design a Bathroom with a WOW Factor

The bathroom can be one of the most difficult rooms to design. It needs to be functional, while still looking good and making an impact. What is it that makes a bathroom truly stand out? By using a few key elements such as focal walls, bold colors or patterns, unique or eye-catching materials, and lighting, you can create an impressive bathroom that will have your guests talking for years to come. Let’s take a look at how these design elements can help you achieve the wow factor in your bathroom.

Focal Wall

The most obvious benefit of having a focal wall in your bathroom is that it adds visual interest and beauty to the room. It can also help create the illusion of more space because it draws attention away from any flaws or blemishes on the walls. Furthermore, if you’re looking for an easy way to change up your bathroom decor without making major changes, then adding a focal wall could be just what you need! Try to concentrate your efforts on making the vanity unit area as nice as possible - that’s my biggest tip for you.

Bold Color or Pattern

When choosing a color scheme for your bathroom, balance is key! If you go too neutral with your color choices then your space might feel bland or uninspired; if you go too wild then it could be overwhelming and uncomfortable to spend time there. To find a balance between these two extremes, consider using accent colors like navy blue against white walls or pink tiles against black grout. These subtle touches will give your bathroom just the right amount of visual interest without taking away from its functionality.

Another great tip I can give you on how to add a wow factor in your bathrooms is to add something with patterns! Just make sure that whatever pattern you choose isn’t too busy or distracting because this could detract from the overall effect of having a relaxing retreat in your own home.

Unique or Eye-Catching Material

When it comes to bathroom design, it can be easy to stick with the basics and choose safe and traditional options. But if you want your space to stand out, consider adding unique materials to your design. Textures are one of the most important aspects of interior design, and unique materials can add an extra layer of interest and dimension. The juxtaposition of different textures creates visual variation and depth that can bring a room to life. For example, adding a brass vanity mirror or tray can give your bathroom classic sophistication due to its metallic finish. While using a Morrocan-style basin will create an eclectic look with just the right amount of drama. Regardless of which material you choose, all these options offer subtle yet powerful textures that are sure to make your bathroom pop.


Every woman dreams of having her own personal oasis in the bathroom. Whether it’s a place to relax after a long day, or simply a space to get ready for your day ahead, design elements like lighting can make all the difference between an average bathroom and one that looks like it was ripped out of a magazine! Let’s dive into why lighting is so important when it comes to interior design and how you can get the wow factor in your own bathroom.

Lighting has an incredible ability to transform any space, whether it be big or small. By carefully selecting fixtures and bulbs, you can create different moods and atmospheres in your bathroom—from calming and inviting to bright and energized. The right light fixtures can also help emphasize certain architectural features of the room while also making them look bigger than they are. When designing your own bathroom oasis, start by focusing on the basics first—task lighting, accent lighting, ambient lighting, etc.—before moving on to more decorative pieces such as pendant lights or wall sconces. Decide where you need light most (i.e., near the vanity) then work from there!

Creating a striking bathroom isn't complicated once you know what elements are essential in achieving the wow factor. By incorporating these four components – focal walls, bold colors or patterns, unique materials, and appropriate lighting – into your design scheme you'll be sure to make an impression each time someone steps foot into this space! So go ahead and get creative - don't be afraid of trying something new - because there's no limit to what you can achieve with interior design. Good luck!


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